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Abwesender Träumer
dabei seit 2003 38 Forenbeiträge | Geschrieben: 23.11.03 21:55 |
Wie stark ist die Droge im Vergleich zu Methamphetamin? | |
dabei seit 2003 3.065 Forenbeiträge 23 Tripberichte 10 Galerie-Bilder | Geschrieben: 24.11.03 08:04 |
Es gibt generell sehr wenig Erfahrungswerte ueber die Wirkung von Methcathinon, da die Droge nicht sehr verbreitet ist. Ein paar gute Infos findest du hier  http:// www.catbull.com/alamut/Lexikon/Mittel/Methcathinon.htm Chemisch gesehen ist der Unterschied zwischen Cathinon/Methcathinon genau vergleichbar mit Amphe/Methamphe. Jedoch wird es eher kokain-maessig missbraucht. Vielleicht gibts auf erowid ein paar Tripreports ... greets Relaxed "Wetter kann man wegdruffen" (sagte einst ein guter Freund auf einem Mainfloor irgendwo auf diesem Planeten beim Schlammtanzen) | |
dabei seit 2003 3.065 Forenbeiträge 23 Tripberichte 10 Galerie-Bilder | Geschrieben: 24.11.03 08:16 |
auf erowid gibts nen sehr ausfuehrlichen Erfahrungsbericht, ich erlaub mir mal einzelne Abschnitte zu zitieren Zitat: Then I snorted some. I think it was at this point that I became 'instantly addicted.' Users everywhere - everyone I gave it to - seemed to agree - unlike cocaine, snorting methcathinone is by far the strongest route to your bodies system (no one was dumb enough to try injecting it, but that'd probably be stronger yet). I never stayed up for three or four days on it, like other people did, but I think its the ADHD behind that. If I did more than a line or two, it had a reversing effect, making me just jittery, irritated, and unable to concentrate. One line worked best - I was more energetic and bouncy, still not really able to focus my attention, but very hyper and happy. I still managed to screw up my life, however, and got kicked out of my house and started living in my car, synthesizing cat wherever I could find a microwave and a hairdryer to dry it. Eventually I became quite paranoid, and was checked into an institution by my still unsuspecting parents. They listened to me talk, and piss-tested me. Nope, no drugs (methcathinone was not tested for - they thought I was making speed or a lot of nothing?) and proceeded to diagnose me as 'Schizoaffective Bipolar'. They said the next day I'd be getting Haldol to sedate me, but that I should just go to sleep in a room. I thought - hey, downers, cool, prescription ones too - and said lemme have it now. OOPS. -- never ask for antipsychotic medication, it makes you feel like shit evey time, unless you are psychotic or something naturally -- ... Zitat: And upon meeting a few of my old friends, decided to intrduce them to cat too. I used it again myself - for two weeks, on a much lesser scale and more regularly. I decided I would 'control myself'. The funny thing is, I did. very morning I took a line, and then again in the middle of the day. Of course, eventually this wasn't enough, but for some odd reason, instead of doing more I thought that I had screwed up the recipe (I hadnt) and threw the cat away! At this point, me and many others observed something startling. Brand-name 'Sudafed' when ground up smells faintly of methcathinone! None of the other decongestants had this property. Whether this is an accident or not, Burroughs Wellcome should look into it. On the other hand, maybe that's why people will pay $14 for sudafed instead of $3 for suphedrine. I went into the deepest depression of my life two days later. It lasted about 3 or 4 days. I mean, I couldnt even move - I was too depressed to eat or even think about doing something as complicated and involved as say, committing suicide. I just layed on the couch, to depressed to watch tv, and tried to sleep. I musta slept about 20 hours a day. Funny, I didnt attribute this to withdrrawl either, but stopped using cat anyways. It took me about another week, when I looked back at myself, to realize what had happened. I haven't done cat since. Cat is a unique drug, and I hope someone studies its receptor-binding affinities and its effect on dopamine and serotonin reuptake so that I may learn why it and it alone had such a dramatic effect on me. A drug with a similar profile, bupropion, has a tert-butyl group where the methyl is and a chlorine in the 4 position of the benzene ring... this drug is called Wellbutrin and I take it for my ADHD now - it seems to be a balance between the effects of cat and the effects of ritalin. The only thing I regret about wellbutrin is its smell - which occasionally reminds me of cat. scheint doch krasser abzugehen als meist behauptet wird ... "Wetter kann man wegdruffen" (sagte einst ein guter Freund auf einem Mainfloor irgendwo auf diesem Planeten beim Schlammtanzen) | |
Abwesender Träumer
dabei seit 2003 1.032 Forenbeiträge | Geschrieben: 24.11.03 13:13 |
2-3 Ephedra Supercaps (oder 100mg Pseudoephe) bringen mir persönlich in etwa das gleiche wie MethCath. Imho ist die Synthese von MethCath Pseudo-Ephedrin-Verschwendung. Ich würde die "Potenz" im Vergleich zu Amphe (mit Meth hab ich noch keine Erfahrung, gibts ja hier im Westen kaum) bei 0,1 - 0,2 ansiedeln. It’s easy to see | |
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