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Abwesender Träumer

dabei seit 2010
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  Geschrieben: 19.11.12 08:20
zuletzt geändert: 19.11.12 11:28 durch katha (insgesamt 10 mal geändert)
Hey Leute,
Icke bin's nochmal.

Jetzt wo ich wieder recht klar denken kann, muss ich sagen das mich langsam immer mehr der Verdacht bemannt, es könnte sich bei meiner Pappe (weißes Tab, gelber Smiley, ungewöhnlich groß, ungewöhnliche Oberflächenstruktur) um Bromo-Dragonfly oder gar etwas noch krasseres gehandelt haben.

LSD gehört nämlich zu einem meiner ältesten Vertrauten und ich habe auch auf Festivals mit 7 Pappen mittlerer Qualität noch gar nicht mal all zu viel mit mir zu tun und komme selbst wenn ich krasse Erfahrungen mache schon immer noch recht gut klar, aber ich hatte auch 1 Jahr kein Acid mehr und wo ich jetzt so darüber Nachdenke hat sich das Ganze auch sehr nach einem Phenylethylamin angefühlt...

Hmmmm, also der Vergleich auf Erowid passt schonmal:


mood lift
visual changes (trails, pattens, etc)
increase in energy (stimulation)
increased associative thinking
ego softening

decreased appetite
visual distortion

short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
muscle tension
unknown risks due to research chemical status

Bromo-Dragonfly Duration


Total Duration
12-24 hrs

20 - 90 mins

Coming Up
30 - 60 mins

6 - 12 hrs

Coming Down
4 - 12 hrs

After Effects
6 - 36 hrs

Hangover / Day After
- - -

Wikipedia schrieb:
The typical dose of Bromo-DragonFLY is not known, however it has varied from 500 μg to 1 mg.[2] It has about 300 times the potency of mescaline, or 1/5 the potency of LSD. It has been sold in the form of blotters, similar to the distribution method of LSD, which has led to confusion, and reports of mistakenly consuming Bromo-DragonFly. It has a much longer duration of action than LSD and can last for up to 2–3 days[2] following a single large dose, with a slow onset of action that can take up to 6 hours before the effects are felt.

Fuck, das isses.

Nur der Onset war nicht unbedingt Slow, verdammt was hat mir der Typ da bloß angedreht...

Mit ziemlicher Sicherheit war es wohl irgendein 'Fly', hier nochmal eine Übersicht über diese spezielle Klasse der Phenylethylamine für euch.


Vor allem die halogenierten Varianten scheinen echt nicht gerade ungiftig zu sein.

Ich habe seit gestern seltsame Pusteln auf den Handinnenflächen und ich bin soweit ich weiß eigentlich gegen nichts allergisch, klingt zum Glück anscheinend auch langsam ab...

Coppola M1* and Mondola R2
1Department of Addiction, ASL CN2, Viale Coppino 46, 12051, Alba (CN), Italy
2Department of Mental Health, ASL CN1, Via Torino 70/B, 12037, Saluzzo (CN), Italy

...schreiben dazu:

In the last decades, the spread of psychotropic drugs belonging to
the phenethylamine family has been continually on the rise [1,2]. These
drugs are often synthesized illegally in underground laboratories or
marketed via-internet by smart shops and chemicals research suppliers
[1,3]. Recently, a phenethylamine-related compound named Bromo-
DragonFly (BDF) has received large popularity among young people
for its LSD-like effects [4]. BDF is a potent and long-acting synthetic
psychedelic substance used as recreational drug since 2001 [4]. This
drug, also called ABDF, FLY, DOB-Dragonfly, spamfly, placid, B-fly,
3C-Bromo-Dragonfly, bromo-benzodifuranil-isopropylamine, was first
synthesized by Matthew A. Parker in the laboratory of David E. Nichols
at Purdue University in 1998 as a new research probe to investigate
central nervous system (CNS) serotonin receptor structure and activity
[5]. The name of BDF is derived from a resemblance between its
molecular skeleton and a dragonfly for the presence of two furan rings
on opposing sides of a central phenyl ring forming the wings (Figure
1). No epidemiological study has investigated the spread of BDF among
people, but since its appearance within the recreational drug market,
several cases of severe intoxication and deaths have been related with
its consumption in some countries [3,4,6-10]. Furthermore, 1230 and
7600 blotters of BDF have been seized in Finland in 2009 and 2010,
respectively [11]. In addition, the discussion about this hallucinogen
among drug users is still lively within the drugs forum [12-16].
Finally, the use of Google Insights for Search, a google application for
compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories,
time frames and properties, has shown a shift of interest for this drug
from Europe to North America in recent years [17]. Despite being
considered a substance that causes concern in terms of its potency and
toxicity [9], there is very little information about its acute and chronic
human toxicity. The aim of this paper is to summarize the clinical,
pharmacological and toxicological information currently available
about this new and dangerous hallucinogenic substance of abuse.


Hallucinogenic substances have been used by indigenous cultures
for millennia, however, the use was generally restricted to sacramental
and healing contexts and regulated by ceremonial guidelines [30-32]. In
the last decades, these substances have received large popularity among
young drug users who experience their effects principally in “rave or
party scenes” [33-35]. Recreational use of hallucinogens has favoured
the spread of increasingly more powerful and legal molecules capable
of satisfying the needs of the users [35]. In particular, the use of internet
as a potential source of information on drugs of abuse [36] resulted in
the use of several research chemicals as recreational drugs in place of
traditional and illicit substances [1,37-42]. BDF is a research chemical
synthesized in 1998 to investigate CNS serotonin receptor structure and
activity [5]. This molecule is a very potent and long-acting agonist at
5-HT2A receptor used by people for its LSD-like effects [4,18,35]. In
fact, as showed from several evidence, 5HT2A receptor is the main site
for hallucinogen action and the entire most common hallucinogenic
drugs act as agonist on this receptor [43]. It is considered the first
arylethylamine derivative to surpass LSD in potency in a behavioural
assay and the first molecule with LSD-like activity to have an aromatic
nucleus other than benzene or indole [19]. This molecule appears to
be typically sold by online research chemicals suppliers because the
synthesis is complicated for the usual clandestine chemist and requires
sophisticate instrumentations [44]. Pattern of acute toxicity emerged
by both the cases of intoxication signalled in some countries and the
users reports present within the drugs forum include psychedelic
effects combined with an amphetamine-like activation [4,7,10,25,27-
29]. Furthermore, the capability of over stimulating the 5HT2A and
α1-adrenergic receptor could explain the contraction of vessels smooth
muscle cells and consequently the severe vasoconstriction [4,23,44].
BDF is considered a substance that causes concern in terms of its
potency and toxicity and many countries have published warnings
alert about its toxicity [9,44] Vulnerable people could be encouraged
to use BDF by online comments and videos emphasizing its powerful
and the long lasting hallucinogenic activity [35]. Furthermore, in so
called “rave or party scene”, some users could unknowingly assume this
hallucinogen because sold in substitution of LSD [4,18].
the high clinical toxicity, the alertness of medical community is of
great importance in order to track and monitoring the spread of this
powerful serotonergic hallucinogen.


BDF is a potent and long-acting psychedelic drug producing both
LSD-like effects and amphetamine activation. Information currently
available suggests that this drug can produce severe intoxications with
serious medical complications including rhabdomyolysis, respiratory
problems, liver and kidney failure, peripheral ischaemia and psychosis.

Pharmacological potency and clinical toxicity associated with the
consumption of this substance are reason of concern within the medical
community. A better international cooperation is indispensable in order
to monitoring and preventing the spread of this dangerous recreational

"Drogen verursachen wahnsinniges Verhalten bei Leuten die nie welche nehmen."
-Dr. Leary
Kommentar von nudelholz (Ex-Träumer), Zeit: 19.11.2012 10:50

Tripelpost zusammengefügt. Das nächste mal bitte selbstständig die Bearbeiten-Funktion benutzen.
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Abwesender Träumer

dabei seit 2010
391 Forenbeiträge
5 Tripberichte
2 Langzeit-TB

  Geschrieben: 19.11.12 11:17
Klar noodle, sorry, war in rage...
"Drogen verursachen wahnsinniges Verhalten bei Leuten die nie welche nehmen."
-Dr. Leary

dabei seit 2012
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  Geschrieben: 19.11.12 16:00
Ich hab mal eine Frage zur Nomenklatur:
Warum lautet der Trivialname Fly?
Weil die Struktur ein wenig an eine Fliege errinert (Finde ich jedenfalls, mit dem Benzolring als Körper und den angebundenen Ringen als Flügel)
Wäre so die erste Idee die ich habe.
2te Frage:
Woher weiß ich eigentlich, was der Erstsubstituent einer Substanz ist?
Weil ich ja nur so bestimmen kann, welche Stellung die anderen anhängsel annehmen (Ortho, Metha oder Para).
Kann ich den erstsubtituenten nur erkennen, wenn ich die Synthese kenne?
"Immer wieder, wenn ich aus dem Leib aufwache in mich selbst, lasse ich das andere hinter mir und trete ein in mein Selbst; ich sehe eine wunderbar gewaltige Schönheit und [...] bin in eins mit dem Göttlichen" (Plot. IV.8.6)
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Abwesender Träumer

dabei seit 2010
391 Forenbeiträge
5 Tripberichte
2 Langzeit-TB

  Geschrieben: 19.11.12 16:56
Ja, deswegen heißen die so.
Weil die Strukturformeln aussehen wie Insekten.^^

Was genau meist du mit Erstsubstituent?
2C-B-FLY und Bromo-Dragonfly dürften aus dieser Stoffklasse als erstes synthetisiert worden sein wenn du das meinst.
"Drogen verursachen wahnsinniges Verhalten bei Leuten die nie welche nehmen."
-Dr. Leary

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